Back in the day (1999) I was once a junior in high school at my Junior Prom. My grandmother made me a beautiful 1950’s retro ball gown and off I went to party like it was 1999 (because it was!) Due to some last minute scheduling conflicts, and my classes ability to fundraise like no other, we were table to secure a mansion for our prom instead of the local convention center. I had never been to the mansion before and didn’t know what the expect. Well, from the moment I walked through the doors of
Glen Sanders Mansion I knew it was the one - the place I would have my wedding reception! Yes, I was only 16 but I swear to you I saw myself walking through those doors years later with a white dress and I got chills!
Fast forward to January 2007. It was no secret that Art was ring shopping and no secret that I was freaking out waiting for him to give it to me. I secretly requested wedding information from Glen Sanders and waited by the mailbox for it to arrive. When it finally did arrive a little post card fell out of the envelope announcing a bridal show - in a week! I called my mom, who I had already asked to be my maid of honor (I know, jumping the gun right?) and told her we were going. Art caught wind of the plans and I somehow talked him into coming along!
At the show I was able to track down the woman who sent me the information packet and I eagerly waited in line to ask her if our date was still available. I kept reciting in my head - oh please oh please oh please oh please!!! I was saying oh please so much I didn’t hear her. What’s that you said? A tentative hold? Oh crap, what’s a tentative hold??? It’s January 2007 and someone has October 2008 on a hold???? And then it hits me - wow, there really are people as crazy as I am out there in the world. She tells me to calm down and we put a 2nd hold on October 4 and October 18, 2008. The same bride has both on hold and she can’t take both dates - right?